London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1966

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]

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As in 1965 the Department has taken part in the National Survey of Leukaemia
and Malignant Diseases of Childhood sponsored by the Department of Social Medicine,
Oxford University and the Medical Research Council.
The family histories and clinical backgrounds of children registered as having
died from leukaemia or other malignant disease are thoroughly investigated in cooperation
with family doctors. A similar detailed investigation is carried out in a
control series of healthy children of the same age and sex.
A total of six cases and six "controls" were investigated in 1966 and records
forwarded to Oxford. All of the cases who had died in the previous year had diagnosis
of malignant disease other than Leukaemia.
This is to be a long-term survey extending over several years on a country-wide
scale. It is hoped that the information obtained will contribute towards elucidating
the aetiology of malignant diseaase in childhood.
I am indebted to Mr. Harold Pring, Branch Organising Secretary to the South-East
London Branch of the Family Planning Association for the following report on the
work of the Association during 1966.
The Family Planning Association is established exclusively for charitable purposes
with the object of the relief of poverty and ill-health and the prevention and mitigation
of their consequences in the special fields of family life, marital happiness and the
birth and upbringing of healthy children.
For the attainment of its objects it has power to provide under qualified medical
direction centres and clinics at which facilities for medical advice and, where necessary,
treatment for any or all of the following:—
(a) Family limitation and the spacing of the birth of children by the employment
of scientific methods of contraception.
(b) Involuntary sterilitity in husband or wife and failure to conceive or to bear
healthy children.
(c) Difficulties connected with the marriage relationship for which medical
advice or treatment is appropriate.
(d) The taking of gynaecological and genito urinary specimens for diagnostic
With the co-operation of your Council family planning clinics were established
during or prior to 1966 in the following premises:—
2 Spalding House,
St. Norbert Road, Brockley, S.E.4
Louise House,
Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill, S.E.23
410 Lewisham High Street,
1-2 Winnett House,
Flower House Estate, S.E.6
Amersham Road Health Centre,