London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1956

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hampstead Borough]

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Sample No.ArticleOffenceHow dealt with
343Pineapple Milk Flavouring.Contained prohibited preservative. 268 ppm. benzoic acid.Manufacturer cautioned. Label altered.
348Chocolate Flavour.Contained prohibited preservative. 326 ppm. benzoic acid.„ „ „
362Debris in Milk Bottle.Contained veg. matter probably derived from breakfast food.Bottler cautioned.
466Gin.Added water 2.3% (based on 65° proof spirit)Warning sent by Town Clerk to Licencee.
467Gin.Added water 1.3% (based on 65° proof spirit)„ „ „

The percentage of unsatisfactory samples is 3.0 per cent.
This compares with 1.6 per cent. 2.4 per cent. and 3.57 per cent.
for the previous 3 years.

LEGAL PROCEEDINGS Offences relating to Food and Food Premises. Sections 2, 8 and 113 Food and Drugs Act, 1955

Date of HearingPremises and Nature of OffenceResult of Proceedings
15th FebruaryFleet Road, Food not of quality demanded (nail in cake).Fined £5.
l6th MayBroadhurst Gardens. Food not of quality demanded (cigarette end in bread).Fined £5 and £2.2s.0d.costs.
10th AugustFleet Road. Food not of quality demanded. (Mouse excrement in cake).Fined £10. £2.2s.0d.costs.