London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1956

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hampstead Borough]

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Sample No.ArticleOffenceHow dealt with
1Sweet Chocomilk.Fat tainted. Commodity not fit for consumption.Stock surrendered and destroyed.
33Cream Meringue.Contained imitation cream.Vendor cautioned.
34Cream Doughnuts.„ „ „„ „
85Triple Cream Cheese.False description . 50.47% milk fat.„ „
135Angel Cake.Contained dust and dirt.Vendor cautioned. Stock surrendered and destroyed.
149Cake.Contained rodent droppings.Vend or prosecuted fined £10 and costs.
180Ice Cream Cornet.Contained foreign matter consisting of charred farinaceous matter.No action.
197Chocolate Liqueurs.Contained insect eggs.• Vendor cautioned.
309Pure White Spirit. l40°proof.Misleading description. White Spirit is a Hydrocarbon oil and not an alcohol. The sample is a mixture of ethyl alcohol and water.Referred to Ministry of Agriculture, Fish and Food with recommendation that the Labelling of Food Order be amended so that spirit of this strength be labelled "dangerous not to be used unless diluted".
303Strawberry Flavour.Contained prohib-ited preservative, 290 ppm.benzoic acid.Manufacturer cautioned. Label altered.
