London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1947

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hammersmith Borough]

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INFANT MORTALITY, 1946. Infantile Mortality during the year 1946. Nett deaths at various ages under one year of age.

Under 1 week42
1-2 weeks11
2-3 weeks4
3-4 weeks3
4 weeks and under 3 months13
3 months and under 6 months13
6 months and under 9 months12
9 months and under 1 year5
Total deaths under 1 year103

* This is not total brought to notice of Department.
†Deaths from all forms of Pneumonia.
The immunisation of children at the Borough Welfare
Centres and by L.C.C. doctors at the Schools continued
during 1947.
The following are the particulars of the work carried out
under the immunisation scheme during the year:—
Number of children immunised at the Council's
Welfare Centres 1,550
Number of children immunised at schools by L.C.C. 284
Number of children immunised by local medical
practitioners 95
Number of Schick Tests—positive result –
Number of Schick Tests—negative result 11
Fees paid to Medical Practitioners £14 5s. 0d.