London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1970

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]

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Long and short-term care schemes are successfully introduced
and advantage is taken of hospital facilities, approved voluntary
homes and of private accommodation supervised by the Guardianship
Society, Hove. Financial responsibility is assumed by the
Council and no charge accrues to the parents but the Council's
assessment scale is applied to adults entitled to grants from the
Department of Health and Social Security.
Club facilities for the "over 16s" are provided on Thursday
evening at the Park Vista Adult Centre and attendances usually
range between 25 and 30. Managed mainly by members of the
Blackwall and Tunnel Avenue Centre staffs, the club is visited on
occasions by the Principal Mental Health Officer.
At the Albany Institute, Creek Road, a club organised by the
Blackfriars Settlement caters for the needs of E.S.N, boys and girls
from the Greenwich and Lewi sham boroughs and this Council
meets half the cost of the social worker's salary.
The Court Youth Club, held at the Congregational Church
Rooms, Court Road, Eltham, on Monday evenings, encourages
the mixing of normal "teenagers" with the mentally handicapped
but this attempt at integration has not been too successful. This
venture is entirely voluntary and no financial responsibility
devolves on the Council.
Under the auspices of the Greenwich Society for Mentally
Handicapped Children, a second "Gateway" club for subnormal
and E.S.N. Juniors has been established at Eltham on Monday
evenings 7-9 p.m.
Support is provided by the Council in the shape of a minibus
to convey children on Wednesday evenings to a club at Griffin
Manor School which is organised for the "under 16s" by the
Greenwich Society for Mentally Handicapped Children. Attendances
vary between 18 and 20.
Organised by the Elfrida Rathbone Society, two further voluntary
clubs were established during 1969. One for 60 subnormal
children under 16 years of age is held on Tuesday evenings at
Griffin Manor School and the other for 50 subnormal adults
between the ages of 16 and 21 years which is held on Friday
evenings at Abery Street.
Hostels or Homes (for Subnormal Patients)
During November of 1968, a purpose-built hostel was opened
at Ashburnham Grove to provide emergency long and short-term