London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camden) 1896

Annual report for the year ending 25th March 1897

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A girl whilst cleaning windows, fell into the street,
fracturing her skull.
An actor was fatally stabbed on the stage with a
dagger, wounding the aorta.
A flyman was accidently killed at a theatre by falling
off a ladder.
A time-keeper died from a bullet-wound. "Wilful murder
against a fellow workman.
A female, aged 27, died from the effects of an illegal
operation. Wilful murder against some person unknown.
A female, aged 12, died from accidental injury to leg
by violence when in a crowd.
3 persons were knocked down and killed by street cabs.
7 infants were suffocated in bed with their parents.
The Public Mortuary, Goldsmith Street.
Daring the year 64 bodies were received, including 7
of non-parishioners, who were brought in for inquest
purposes. Post-mortem examinations were made in 39
The total number of bodies received since the opening
of the building in 1883 is 1,070.