London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Orsett 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Orsett]

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iv. Smoke Abatement.
From time to time observations have been kept
upon various chimneys, but no statutory action has
been necessary.
(v.) Caravans and Moveable Dwellings.
No. of Caravans in area 73
„ Inspections made 208
It is regrettable that the number of such premises
has increased from 69 in 1933. Despite constant efforts
by the Department conditions in the encampments are
far from satisfactory, and in my opinion the law on the
matter needs strengthening considerably.
The Medical Officer being also School Medical
Inspector for the Area under the County Council, the
supervision of school premises and of the health of the
scholars is greatly simplified, providing as it does unbroken
continuity. The value of unified control was
demonstrated during an outbreak of Scarlet fever at a
girls' school in the district towards the end of the year.
The general sanitary condition of the schools is
satisfactory, although minor improvements could be
made in some of the older establishments.