London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Orsett 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Orsett]

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No. of places in the School 60
„ children admitted during 1933 49*
„ „ discharged „ „ 45
* Excludes 10 re-admissions.
Admissions recommended—
By School Medical Inspectors 32
„ Tuberculosis Officer 16
„ Hospital 1
Boys. Girls.
Average increase in height during the year 2¼in. 2¼in.
Highest „ „ „ „ „ 3⅛ „ 3 „
Average increase in weight during the year 4⅛ lbs. 7 lbs.
Highest „ „ „ „ „ 8¾ „ 13⅝ „
As in 1932, it will be observed that the girls appear
to have responded to the treatment better than the boys.
In view of the waiting list for admission which always
exists at this school the question of increasing the
accommodation was considered during the year. Plans
were prepared for the provision of 30 extra places, and
it is anticipated that work on the extensions will be
started in 1934.
Analysis of the records of each child's progress at
the school proves beyond all doubt that the system of
education, rest and nourishment set out in the curriculum
is efficient and calculated to give the maximum
results. I have again to refer to the valuable work of
the staff of the school, especially the Head Teacher, to
whose enthusiastic co-operation much of the success of
the establishment is due.