London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Orsett 1906

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Orsett]

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Cases of Infectious Disease notified during the Year 1906.

Notifiable Disease.Cases notified in whole District.Total Cases notified in each Locality.No. of Cases removed to Hospital from each Locality.
At all Ages.At Ages—Years.12345678912345678
West and East Thurrock (h) (h).Aveley and Stifford.Chad well-St - M ary and West Tilbury.North and South Ockendon and Bulphan.Orsett.Stanford - le - Hope.East Tilbury, Mucking, Corringham, and Fobbing.Horndon-on-the-hill and Laindon Hills.Union House.West and East Thurrock (h).Aveley and Stifford.Chadwell-St.-Mary and West Tilbury.North and South Ockendon and Bulphan.Orsett.Stanford -le - Hope.East Tilbury, Mucking, Corringham, and Fobbing.Horndon-on-the-hill and Laindon Hills.
Under 1.1 to 5.5 to 15.15 to 25.25 to 65.65 and upwards.
Membranous croup................................................
Scarlet fever198360114101012735971672951327311051
Typhus fever................................................
Enteric fever15..1293..5342....1....112......1..
Relapsing fever................................................
Continued fever................................................
Puerperal fever................................................

Mark (H) the locality in which it is situated, or if not within the district, state where it is situated, and in what district. Orsett Joint Isolation Hospital, Orsett
Joint Isolation Hospital for Small-pox. The Isolation Hospital contains 30 beds. The Small-pox Hospital, 16 beds.