London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1880

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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Sickness and Mortality amongst the parochial poor,
—The nature, extent, and fatality of the sickness which
came under treatment amongst the parochial poor
during the year is contained in table 5, Appendix. The
total amount of sickness was considerably less than the
average (13½ per cent.), the deaths were but slightly
below the average. Epidemic diseases and their resulting
fatality were both of nearly the average amount.
The prevailing epidemic was Scarlatina, which formed
nearly a fourth part of all that class of diseases, but was
attended with comparatively little fatality.
Violent deaths.—Inquests.— Uncertified deaths.—
29 Inquests were held during the year, with the following
results, viz :—
Deaths from natural causes 21
Accident 5
Deaths from violence Suicide 1
++ Cause unknown 2
The uncertified deaths of last year were few in
number, 3 only; it is much to be regretted, however,
for the sake of security to life and every other interest
of society, that the necessity for the due attestation by a
registered medical practitioner of the cause of death in
every instance has not yet been recognized by the law.
See observations on this subject in Report for 1865 and
Sanitary proceedings.—Table 6, Appendix, contains
as usual a Summary of the principal Sanitary proceedings
which were carried out during the year. They will
be found to have been far more extensive and important
than heretofore,especially such as related to the inspection,
the disinfection, and purification of infected houses, and
the removal of nuisances. Some of the latter were of an
important character, and required the intervention of the