London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Deptford 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Deptford, Metropolitan Borough of]

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The results of such examinations were reported to the Ministry of
Health, and, in the case of samples not within the standard, to the
County Medical Officer concerned.
Animal Inoculation. Thirty-five samples of milk were submitted
to the bacteriologist for the detection of Tubercle Bacilli (Guinea pig
inoculation), all with negative results.
2. Meat Premises, (a) Slaughterhouses. There are two slaughterhouses
in the Borough and these were kept under regular and efficient
supervision, 210 visits having been paid.
The following is a statement of the animals slaughtered and the
carcases or offal destroyed.
Slaughtered. 240 bullocks. 56 calves. 1834 sheep. 146 pigs.
The Borough Council has licensed 7 slaughtermen in connection
with these premises.
{b) Poultry Slaughterer. There is one poultry slaughtering establishment.
During the year 9,019 head of poultry were slaughtered.
Destroyed—Surrendered at Slaughterhouses. Beef, 2 forequarters,
and 1 cwt. 2 qrs. 16 lbs. Bullocks' head and tongue 3. Bullock
(entire) 1. Bullocks'plucks 2. Bullocks'kidneys 1 set. Bullocks'
livers 43. Bullocks' lungs 3. Bullocks' offal 5 sets. Pigs' lungs 5.
Pig (entire) 1. Pigs' plucks 7. Pigs' livers 4. Pork 1 leg and 14 lbs.
Sheep's lungs 7.
(c) Shops and Stalls. The following Food Stalls are registered
Fruit, Vegetables 44 Meat 2
Ice Cream and/or Baked Grocery 7
Chestnuts 19 Refreshments
Coffee Stalls 6 Proprietary Medicines 1
Fish and/or Poultry 6
Regular inspection is carried out, particularly at such times as
business is being actively carried on.