London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Deptford 1932

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Deptford, Metropolitan Borough of]

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Report of Tuberculosis Officer—continued.
1. Number of persons on Dispensary Register on January 1st 602
2. Number of cases transferred from other areas and cases
returned after discharge under Head 3 in previous years 55
3. Number of cases transferred to other areas, cases not
desiring further assistance under the scheme, and cases
"lost sight of" 79
4. Cases written off during the year as Dead (all cauies) 67
5. Number of attendances at the Dispensary (including
Contacts) 3010
6. Number of Insured Persons under Domiciliary Treatment
on the 31st December 154
Number of G.P. 36 reports from practitioners 189
7. Number of consultations with medical practitioners:-
(a) Personal 27
(b) Other 95
8. Number of other visits by Tuberculosis Officer to Homes
(including personal consultations) 198
9. Number of visits by Nurses or Health Visitors to Homes
successful 2992}
for Dispensary purposes unsuccessful 685} 3677
successful 1413 }
Visits to cases non-Dispensary cases unsuccessful 362} 1775
10. Number of
(a) Specimens of sputum, &c, examined 669
(b) X- ray examinations made
in connection with Dispensary work 149
(c) Sputum examinations for
sary cases 368
11. Number of "Recovered" cases restored to Dispensary
Register, and included in A (a) and A (b) above 1
12. Number of "T.B. plus" cases on Dispensary Register on
the 31st December 337
Notes on Table I.
It will be noted that the number of persons on the Dispensary
Register on the 31st December, 1932 is 632, a slight increase over
figure at end of 1931. The number of patients coming into the
borough from other areas and of cases which had been lost sight