London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1932

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Housing. 73
The other nine areas which have been cleared during the
year are:—
Angel Court, Roehampton.
Henry's Place, Putney.
Memel Place, Putney.
Stockwell Court, Wandsworth.
Carter's Yard, Wandsworth.
Eden Cottages, Wandsworth.
West Side, Warple Road, Wandsworth.
East Side, Warple Road, Wandsworth.
Great Acre Court, Clapham.
In all these nine areas Clearance Orders were made, as the
Council decided not to develop the sites. The Minister of Health
held a Public Inquiry towards the end of 1931 on the Clearance
Order made in respect of the Great Acre Court Area and his
decision to confirm the Order was received in 1932.
The twelve areas which have been cleared contained 105
houses occupied by 103 families with a population of 432 persons.
The other Clearance Area which was declared in 1931 is the
Dutch Yard Area. A Clearance Order was made in respect of it
and a Public Inquiry was held in 1931. The Minister's decision
to confirm this Order has now been received and the area will be
cleared when alternative accommodation for the occupiers is
available. This is to be provided on the sites of Cumber's Yard
and Garden Cottages areas.
Dutch Yard Area contains 18 houses which are occupied by
18 families consisting of 84 persons.
Other Insanitary Houses Demolished.
The Demolition Order made in 1931 in respect of 68A, Clifton
Street, Clapham, has been carried into effect and the house has
been demolished.
15, White Square, an insanitary house in Clapham North
Ward, has been demolished by the Council under a road widening