London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1931

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Number of New Houses erected during the Year:—
(i) By the Local Authority 72 Flats
(ii) By other Local Authorities 9
consisting of 194 Flats
(iii) By other bodies and persons 337
1. Inspection of Dwelling-houses during the Year:—
(1) Total number of dwelling-houses inspected for
housing defects (under Public Health or Housing
Acts) 11,429
and the number of inspections made 11,837
(2) Number of dwelling-houses (included under subhead
(1) above) which were inspected and recorded
under the Housing Consolidated Regulations, 1925 2,731
and the number of inspections made 15,485
(3) Number of dwelling-houses found to be in a state
so dangerous or injurious to health as to be unfit
for human habitation 81
(4) Number of dwelling-houses (exclusive of those
referred to under the preceding sub-head) found
not to be in all respects reasonably fit for human
habitation 4,530
2. Remedy of Defects during the Year without
Service of Formal Notices:—
Number of defective dwelling-houses rendered fit
in consequence of informal action by the Local
Authority or their officers 4,504