London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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The total number of deaths from Cancer and malignant
disease was 544, the number of males being 228 and females
316. The corrected death-rate was 1.53 per 1,000 for the
whole Borough:—1 .57 for Clapham ; 1.32 for Putney 1.66
for Balham; 1.81 for Streatham 1.29 for Tooting; and
1 -41 for Wandsworth.
The number of deaths in 1930 was 24 more than in 1929.
The number of deaths from diseases of the Brain and
Nervous System was 159.
1,090 deaths occurred from diseases of the Heart and
Circulatory System, compared with 1,277 in 1929, and 1,081
in 1928. 781 of these deaths were of persons over 65 years
of age.
There were 420 deaths from diseases of the Respiratory
System, compared with 734 in 1929, and 493 in 1928. The
number from Bronchitis was 187 compared with 366 in 1929,
and from Pneumonia (all forms) 207 compared with 331 in 1929.
Further particulars relative to Pneumonia are given on page
The number of infants under two years of age who died
from these diseases was 43.
142 deaths, 80 males and 62 females, were registered as
due to Premature Birth and Developmental Diseases, compared
with 146 in 1929.
113 deaths, 45 males and 68 females, occurred from Old
Act, and all these were persons over 65 years of age. The
number of deaths due to this cause in 1929 was 159.
194 deaths were due to Violence, 139 of them being due
to accident, 50 to suicide, and five to other forms of violence.
Inquests were held on 313 persons dying in the Borough,
and on 216 Borough residents who died outside the Borough.