London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southwark 1932

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southwark, Borough of]

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RAG FLOCK ACTS, 1911 and 1928.
The Act requires that the amount of Chlorine found shall not
exceed 30 parts in 100,000 parts of flock.
Visits under the Act have been made by the several inspectors to
premises, but rag flock is not being sold at any of them at the present
Section 48.
Certificates in regard to water supply have been granted in respect
of the under-mentioned (new) houses during the year.
Premises. Certificates granted to.
145, Old Kent Road Messrs. H. Somerford & Sons,
104, Manor Street, S.W.
131/178, Pilton Plate (48 flats) E. Percy Kendall, Esq.,
11, Gt. Turnstile, W.C.I.
13/15, Borough Road Messrs. C. H. Gibson, Ltd.,
509, London Road, Croydon.
The " Gladstone " P.H. Lant St. Messrs. H. J. Taylor,
Hither Green Lane, S.E.
181/182, Great Dover Street (7 Messrs. F. Cope & Co.,
tenements) 5, Whitcombe St., W.C.2.
9/13, Camberwell Road (2 flats) F. G. Holman, Esq.,
9, Camberwell Road, S.E.
51/100, Winchester Buildings V. Wilkins, Esq.,
(50 flats) 12, York Buildings, W.C.2.
1/36, Pilgrim House (24 flats) Messrs. Gee, Walker & Slater,
32, St. James Street, S.W.1.
Blocks A & B, Doddington Grove The Mayor, Aldermen and Coun(65
flats) cillors of the Borough of