London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1870

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London, City of]

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No. VI.— Classification of Deaths according to Causes, during the Year1871; and a Comparison withthe Averages of the last Ten Years.

City Districts and Population in 1801.Violence, priva-tion, Pi cim-ture Birth, and PoisonTubercular DiseasesConvulsions and Teething.Zymotic Diseases.Pneumonia, Bronchitis, und AsthmaOthers, chiefly chronic.Total.
Phthisis.Tabes and Scrofula.Hydrocephalus.Alvine Flux.Continue d Fever.Scarlet Fever.Small Pox.Measles.Whooping Cough, Cioup, & Diphtheria.Erysipelas.
East London Unton (Population 27,883)1 187138662216454281619599204128229703
West LondonUnion (Population 18,815)18713746271127214101716413485115428
City of London Union (Population 29,906)187149979624o o10725136256111240631
Entibe City (Population 76,60-1)18711242095833969523361881958143245841762