London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1870

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London, City of]

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Rainfall, Humidity, Dew-point, and Temperature, in each quarter of the Year.

Quarter ending December, 1870Quarter ending March, 1871Quarter ending June, 1871.Quart. ending September, 1871Entire Year.
Total Rainfall (inches)7.783.796.594.9923.15
Average in City for 10 years.6.275.705.196.1423.30
Number of Wet Days39343632141
Average in City for 10 years41433737158
Degree of humidity (Sat= 100)7879696873
Average in City for 10 years8385747278
Dew-point (Faht.)38.830.144.352.943.0
Average in City for 10 years43.037.946.152.744.9
Temperature (Faht.)47.041.552.863.951.3
Average in City for 10 years47.641.754.061.751.2

Quality of the Water Supply.
This, as heretofore, has been the subject of regular
investigation, not only in respect of the quality of
the water supplied to the City, but also of that supplied
to the whole of the Metropolis ; and the principal
facts of the inquiry are classified in the
following table:—