London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Surbiton 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Surbiton]

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The businesses carried on at the respective premises are as follows:—

Other trades60

Visits from time to time have been paid, and
as a result the following nuisances have been dealt
with: —
Additional W.C's. provided 2
New W.C. pans fixed 2
W.C. pans cleansed 1
New flushing cisterns fixed 2
Flushing cisterns repaired 2
Water supply provided to flushing cisterns 1
W.C. internal walls repaired 1
W.C's. cleansed and re-decorated 1
W.C's. provided with a ceiling 1
Roofs repaired 1
Eaves gutters provided 1
Eaves gutters repaired 2
Additional rain water pipes provided 1
Flue pipe provided to gas heated steam boiler 1
Dirty workshops cleansed 2
Overcrowding abated 1
In one instance it was found necessary to serve
a statutory notice under the Public Health Act,
1875, to obtain the abatement of a nuisance arising
from a gas heated steam boiler not being provided
with a flue pipe to carry away the fumes.