London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Surbiton 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Surbiton]

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etc., and all necessary steps have been taken to
secure the abatement of any nuisances which were
found to exist.
In all, 7,318 visits to houses and remises have
been made during the year; these include houses
from which complaints of a nuisance have been
received and in which cases of infectious disease
have occurred, also houses inspected under the
Housing Regulations, visits to works in progress,
inspections of Bakehouses, Dairies, Cowsheds,
Milkshops, Slaughter Houses, Workshops, Food
Inspections, etc.

The following table shows the number and nature of such inspections:—

Number of houses and premises inspected (ordinarily)733
,, houses inspected and particulars recorded (Housing Act)57
„ houses and premises re-inspected1,302
„ miscellaneous visits698
„ visits to works in progress3,042
„ visits to slaughterhouses33
,, visits to dairies, cowsheds and milkshops172
„ visits to bakehouses49
„ visits to schools25
„ visits to workshops43
,, visits to factories13
,, visits to workplaces1
,, visits to homeworkers' premises18
,, visits re cases of infectious disease391
„ food inspections741