London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1920

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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Another factor in the higher death-rate in Hoe Street, referred to later,
is the large number of its children who died in their first year of life.
During the year 96 inquests were held in the District concerning the
deaths of residents.
The ages at death and the causes assigned were as follows:—
65 yrs. and
Under 1 yr. 2-5 yrs. 5-15 yrs. 15-25 yrs. 25-45 yrs. 45-65 yrs. upwards.
15 — 6 10 19 20 26
Under One Year.—Prematurity, Malformation and failure to inflate
Lungs, 6; Want of Attention at Birth, 8; Suffocation while in bed with
parents, 2; Convulsions, 1; Intussusception of Bowel, 1; Malnutrition,
1; Syncope from Chloroform Anaesthesia, 1.
Over One Year.—Valvular Disease and Dilatation of Heart, 12;
Fatty Heart, 4; Rupture of Heart, 2; Fibrous Degeneration, 1;
Ulcerative Endocarditis, 1; Atheroma and Rupture of Arteries, 4;
Cerebral Haemorrhage, 5; Tuberculosis, 2; Diphtheria, 1; Senile Decay, 3;
Suffocation due to Epilepsy, 2; Violent Death, due to accident,
15; Suicides by Gas Inhalation, 5; by Belladona and Lysol, 2; other
means, 8; Bronchitis and Pneumonia, 4; Meningitis Traumatic, 1;
Alcohol Poisoning and Injury, 1; Syncope due to Haemorrhage, 1;
Cerebral Anaemia, 1; Accidental Drowning, 1; Septic Pneumonia
following induced abortion, 2; and following Operation, 2; Septic
Congestion of Lungs, 2; Syncope due to Syphilis, 1; Septic Poisoning
from retained Placenta, 1; Apoplexy from Brights Disease, 1.
The following table (page 24) gives the number of births and deaths,
their rates, the Zymotic Death-rate, Infantile Mortality-rate, and natural
increase of population for the past 30 years, and the average in five-yearly
periods. The rates for 1920 are based on similar data to preceding