London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Surbiton 1902

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Surbiton]

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Florence, Ellerton Road
Underwood, Ellerton Road
Clyde Villa, Ellerton Road
1 to 4 (inclusive), Clydesdale
Villas, Ellerton Road
11 to 18 and 31 to 42 (inclusive),
King Charles Crescent
Corrin, Southborough Road
1 and 2 Bath Cottages, Dennan
1 and 2, Dennan Villas, Dennan
Thisleton, Cotterill Road
Manor Farm, Hook
1 and 2, Leigh Cottages, Brook
1 and 2, Woodland Cottages,
Brook Road
Lynton, Balaclava Road
Clovelly, Balaclava Road
Glenthorne, Balaclava Road
1, Haycroft Road, Southborough
1 and 2, Wingrave Cottages,
Haycroft Road, Southborough
16, Douglas Terrace, Douglas
1 to 6 (inclusive), German Place
1, 2 and 3, Aysgarth Villas,
Worthington Road
1 and 2, Walton Cottages, Gladstone
1 to 10 (inclusive), Mayberry
20 and 21, South Place
55 to 63 (inclusive), 81 and 82,
Cleaveland Road
Chiswick Cottage, Ewell Road
Paving of Yards.
Considerable attention has again been given
to the paving of yards, 114 having been paved
wholly or in part with impervious material. This
work is greatly appreciated by the occupiers of
small property and tends to promote more cleanly
conditions in and around the houses as well as to
prevent nuisances arising from damp walls, stagnant
water, &c.
In accordance with the instructions of the
Medical Officer of Health, 40 infected rooms have