London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kingston upon Thames 1905

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kingston-upon-Thames]

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Abstract of Notices for the Year 1905.
Choked and Defective drains 220
New drainage to houses 18
Defective closets and syphons 22
Defective soil pipes and ventilators 24
Defective water apparatus to closets 52
To lay on water supply to closets 10
To provide separate cisterns for flushing closets 6
Foul drinking water cisterns 56
To cleanse and lime wash houses 40
To cleanse and disinfect houses
To cleanse urinals adjoining the public roads 58
To repair and alter urinals adjoining the public roads 4
Inspecting urinals adjoining the public roads 920
Dilapidated houses 12
Dilapidated manure and ash pits 6
Accumulation of manure, offal, etc. 180
Pig keeping (a nuisance) 2
Fowl keeping (a nuisance) 8
Overcrowding of houses 4
Canal Boats Act, &c.
Canal Boats and Barges inspected 65
Offences in Contravention of Canal Boats Acts 11
Notification of Infectious Diseases Acts.
Visits to Infectious Diseases 220
Notices served to Householders, etc. 90
Notices served to School Attendance Officer 80
Notices served to Schools 150
Notices served to Librarian 180
Disinfecting houses after Infectious Diseases 80
Testing drains after Infectious Diseases 30