London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1896

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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The density of the population of the whole district is about 2.524 per acre.
The number of persons per house in the district, excluding the County of London
Lunatic Asylum, and Dr. Barnado's Village Home, is about 4.828.
The total number of deaths which occurred in the district during the year was 483;
of which 296 were at Claybury, and 5 at Dr. Barnado's Village Home, leaving 182 for Ilford,
or at the rate of 10.111 per 1,000 per annum of the population: this death rate compares
favourably with that for the year 1895, which was ll.836 per 1000 per annum.
The number of births during the year in the district was 496, or at the rate of
27.555 per 1000 per annum of the population.
The number of cases of infectious diseases notified during the year was 324—26 of
which occurred at Claybury Asylum, and 17 at Dr. Barnado's Village Home, leaving 281 for
Ilford, namely—
Scarlet fever 140
Diphtheria 45
Membraneous croup 1
Typhoid fever 33
Continued fever 1
Puerperal fever 2
Erysipelas 23
Measles 36
The cases of infectious diseases reported from Claybury Asylum were—
Scarlet fever 6
Erysipelas 20
The cases of infectious diseases reported from Dr. Barnado's Village Homes, were—
Scarlet fever 11
Erysipelas 4
Measles 2
Of the infectious diseases notified, 23 terminated fatally, 4 of which were at Claybury
Asylum, from Erysipelas; leaving 19 for the rest of the district, or at the rate of l-055
per 1000 per annum from infectious diseases.
Of the cases of Typhoid fever, 5 terminated fatally; and I sent a special report on
this outbreak to the Local Government Board.