London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Feltham 1915

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Feltham]

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Dairies and Milkshops—
Number on Register 2
Number of Inspections made 11
Frequency of Inspection At least Quarterly
Unsound Food-
Meat (including organs) seized and surrendered.
(Approximate weight in pounds.) 21bs.
Fruit and Vegetables seized and surrendered.
(Approximate weight in pounds.) 30lbs.
Method of disposal Buried.
Water Supply and Water Service—
Wells—Cleansed, Repaired, &c 2
Percentage of Houses supplied from Public Water Service 85%
Percentage of Houses supplied on Constant System 85%
Number of Samples obtained for Analysis—
From Local Wells 5
From Public Supply 4
Drainage and Sewerage of existing Buildings—
Water Closets—Repaired, Supplied with Water, or
otherwise Improved 15
Percentage of Houses provided with Water Closets 77%
Drains—Examined, Tested, Exposed, &c. 18
Unstopped, Repaired, Trapped, &c. 81
Waste Pipes, Rain Water Pipes Disconnected,
Repaired, &c. 8
Cesspools—Rendered Impervious, Emptied, Cleansed, &c. 900
Rooms Disinfected—Ordinary Infectious Diseases 12
Phthisis 3
Rooms Stripped and Cleansed 7
New Bins provided 42
How frequently is dust removed from each house ? Weekly
Method of Disposal Tipping
Sundry Nuisances abated—
Overcrowding 2
Accumulation of Refuse 16
Foul Ditches, Ponds, &c., and Stagnant Water 23
Foul Pigs and other Animals 7
Dampness 25
Yards repaved or repaired 4