London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Feltham 1915

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Feltham]

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Finchley Urban District Council.
of the
For the Year 1915.
To the Chairman and Members of the Finchley
Urban District Council.
Mrs. Hardie and Gentlemen,—
I have the honour to present to you my Fourteenth
Annual Report dealing with the work carried out by your
Sanitary Inspectors during the year 1915. The usual statement
explaining the details of the more important sections of
work which has been performed, is, on this occasion, omitted,
in order to economise, as far as possible, in regard to the cost
of printing.
The total number of inspections made during the year was
7,661, as compared with 9,522 in 1914. On 679 of the
premises visited, nuisances to the number of 1,277 were discovered,
and in dealing with the sanitary defects from which
they arose, 184 "Intimation" Notices and 146 "Statutory"
Notices were served. The numbers of letters written and
received with reference to the business of the department were
respectively 968 and 707. At the end of the year 1,138 of the
nuisances discovered had been abated, the work of remedying
96 was in hand, and the remaining 43 were outstanding.