London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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East Ham 1919

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for East Ham]

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The important work of unstopping and cleansing of drains
has been carried out by the Council's men free of charge. This
policy of the Corporation, which has been in operation for many
years, continues to work with success.
The men engaged are experienced and capable, with a
thorough knowledge of manholes and sewer connections. I have
frequently referred to the permanent damage done to drains by
inexperienced men attempting to remove a stoppage without local
knowledge of manholes and connections.
During the year 1,548 drains have been unstopped and
cleansed. This may appear a large number, but it must be kept
in mind that each connection would average six houses and that
a careless act of allowing an article to be thrown down the water
closet would cause all the six houses to be stopped, and further,
the practice of unstopping drains free of charge has been in
vogue for over 25 years, and is generally know n throughout the
Borough, with the result that stoppages are reported to the
At 821 houses drains have been tested and in 87 instances
defects were discovered, 52 being defective joints of the drain and
in 35 cases the defects were in the traps or connections. 47
obsolete or defective soil pans have been removed and new pans
56 drain ventilating pipes have been repaired or renewed.
The work is carried out under the supervision of the District
Sanitary Inspectors.
These include flushing apparatuses, and during the year 173
have been renewed. 84 sink and bath waste pipes have been
A common cause of complaint is an offensive sink waste pipe;
too little attention is given by occupiers to the systematic cleansing
of waste pipes and gullies, and in many instances cleansing
is made almost impracticable by faulty construction,