London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Heston and Isleworth 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Heston and Isleworth]

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North-West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board.—Two general hospitals (West Middlesex,
1,150 beds and Hounslow, 81 beds) and one fever hospital (South Middlesex, 140 beds) are situate in the
Borough. Part of the accommodation in the fever hospital is used for surgical cases. The West Middlesex
and South Middlesex Hospitals are controlled by the South West Middlesex Hospital Management Committee
while Hounslow Hospital and the Chest Clinic are the responsibility of the Staines Group Hospital Management
Committee. The Regional Hospital Board provides the specialist services for the hospitals and for
domiciliary consultations.
Middlesex County Council—Health Department.—The County Council is the Local Health
Authority under the National Health Service Act, 1946. The following services are provided in the
(a) Ante-natal and post-natal clinics,
92 Bath Road, Hounslow Monday and Wednesday mornings.
Thursday afternoon.
Busch Corner, Isleworth Tuesday afternoon.
Heston Village Hall Thursday afternoon.
(b) Infant welfare clinics
92 Bath Road, Hounslow Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Busch Corner, Isleworth Monday, Wednesday afternoons.
Heston Village Hall Monday, Tuesday afternoons. Friday morning.
Cranford Memorial Hall Monday, Friday afternoons.
(c) Immunisation and vaccination clinics
92 Bath Road, Hounslow Wednesday afternoon, Thursday morning.
Busch Corner, Isleworth Tuesday (fortnightly) afternoon.
Heston Village Hall Tuesday (fortnightly) morning.
(d) Artificial Sunlight clinics (wintermonths)
92 Bath Road, Hounslow Tuesday and Friday afternoons.
Busch Corner, Isleworth Tuesday and Friday afternoons.
(e) Dental clinics
92 Bath Road, Hounslow }
Busch Corner, Isleworth} Monday to Friday daily and Saturday mornings.
(f) Day nurseries Approved Accommodation
Nantly House, Lampton Road 54 children.
Blenheim House, Bath Road 50 children.
Heston 50 children.
Acton Lodge, Brentford End 35 children.
These day nurseries admit children aged 0-5 years and a charge is made for the care of the children.
(g) Midwifery Service.
Certified midwives are employed for attendance as midwives or maternity nurses at domiciliary
confinements. Gas and air analgesia is available. Maternity outfits are supplied
free for home confinements.
(h) Home Nursing
Male and female nurses are employed as "district" nurses. Where nursing equipment is
required for use in the home arrangements have been made for this to be supplied on loan
through the British Red Cross Society at the Depot in School Road.
(i) Health Visitors
Health Visitors who also act as School Nurses are employed in clinics and home visiting.
Their work is largely educational and social and is defined in the Act as " giving advice as
to the care of young children, persons suffering from illness and expectant and nursing mothers
and as to the measures necessary to prevent the spread of infection."
(j) Domestic Helps
Home helps are employed to provide domestic help for households "where such help is
required owing to the presence of any person who is ill, lying-in, an expectant mother, mentalh
defective, aged or a child not over compulsory school age." A charge is made for this service
and in assessing this regard is had to the means of the persons concerned.
(k) Prevention of Illness, Care and After-care
The care and after-care of tuberculous persons is dealt with by the Welfare Officer at the
Chest Clinic. Among other things the County Council scheme provides for the admission
of persons, not in need of medical or nursing care, to recuperative holiday homes and for this
a charge is made according to the person's circumstances.
(l) Ambulance Service
Provision is made for the conveyance of sick, accident and emergency cases and the service
is organised in association with the Fire Service. The accident and emergency service is
stationed at the Fire Station, Isleworth, and the sick removal service at West Middlesex
(m) Mental Health
This service provides for the ascertainment of cases of mental ill-health and mental deficiency,
the statutory supervision and guardianship of mental defectives living in the commmunity
and the provision of after-care for persons who have undergone treatment for mental illness
The office of the Mental Welfare (Duly Authorised) Officer for the Borough is at County Offices
Great West Road, Brentford.