London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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The net number of outworkers in the Borough engaged in the various
trades is as follows:—
Making, cleaning, etc., of wearing apparel 2,148
Furriers 32
Umbrellas 27
Boots and shoes 76
Paper bags and cardboard boxes 14
Artificial flowers 3
Xmas crackers 6
Brushes 3
Furniture 2
Bag making 1
Flag making 1
Ties 9
Sacks 1
Total 2,323
The number of inspections made to outworkers' premises was 1,264, and
the number of premises where sanitary defects were found to exist was 248.
Notifiable infectious disease occurred in 162 outworkers' premises.
There are 124 firms in the Borough employing Outworkers, and of these
firms 116 sent in lists twice in the year and 8 once. These related to a net
number of 909.) outworkers, of which 540 were resident in this Borough and 369
were transferred to other Districts.
In addition, 493 lists relating to a net number of 1,783 outworkers were
received from other Boroughs during the year.

Outworkers' premises where sanitary defects were found to exist:—

Nature of Work.Instances.Notices served.
Wearing Apparel—
Making, &c.241241
Boots and Shoes11
Xmas Crackers22