London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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New cases of Tuberculosis coming to the knowledge of the Medical Officer of Health or Chief (Administrative) Tuberculosis Officer during the period from the 30th December, 1928, to the 28th December, 1929, otherwise than by formal notification under the Public Health (Tuberculosis) Regulations, 1912, or by notification in pursuance of § 5 (b) of the Local Government (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1916.

Age periods0 to 11 to 55 to 1010 to 1515 to 2020 to 2525 to 3535 to 4545 to 5555 to 6565 and upwardsTotal Cases.
Pulmonary: Males1-343112
,, Females ...131312112
Non-Pulmonary: Males...1_12
,, ,, Females1-12

The source or sources from which information as to the above-mentioned cases was obtained should be stated below:—

Source of Information.No. of Cases.
Death Returnsfrom local Registrars -111
transferable deaths from Registrar General82
Posthumous notifications
'Transfers" from other areas (other than transferable deaths)51
Forms C & D (in respect of cases not previously known to the M.O.H.)1
Other Sources if any (specify)-_