London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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522 of the deaths belonged to St. George-in-the-East.
1,243 of the deaths belonged to Mile End Old Town.
763 of the deaths belonged to the Whitechapel District.
I he death-rate for the whole Borough was 13.6 per 1,000 of the population,
while that for the whole of London was 13.8 per 1,000.
Notifiable Diseases.
3,768 notifications of infectious diseases were received, or 984 more than in
the previous year:—
885 belonged to the Limehouse District.
527 belonged to St. George-in-the East.
1,614 belonged to Mile End Old Town.
742 belonged to the Whitechapel District.
2,683 were removed for treatment to fever hospitals and infirmaries.
The rate for the whole Borough was 15.5 per 1,000 of the population.
Wrong Diagnosis.
258 cases of infectious disease were found not to be suffering from the
disease stated on the certificate.
128 of the cases were notified by Private Practitioners, 49 from the London
Hospital and 81 from other Public Institutions.
This number referred to 116 cases of Scarlet Fever, 110 of Diphtheria, 1 of
Typhoid Fever, 2 of Puerperal Pyrexia, 11 of Chicken Pox, 1 of Encephalitis
Lethargica and 17 of Small Pox.
Bacteriological Examinations.

2,427 bacteriological examinations were made on behalf of the Public Health Department during the year. The specimens and the results were as Follows:—

Swabs (for Diphtheria bacilli)1632,2582,421
Blood (for Typhoid bacilli)66