London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1928

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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Causes of, and Ages at Death during the Year, 1928

Metropolitan Borough of Stepney.

Causes of Death.Under 1 year1 and under 2 years.2 and under 5 years.5 and under 15 years.15 and under 25 years.25 and under 45 years.45 and under 65 years.65 and upwards.All Ages.
Chicken Pox1.....................1
Enteric Fever...1...112......5
Small Pox...........................
Scarlet Fever1...31............5
Whooping Cough11104...............25
Diphtheria and all deaths from Croup (except "spasmodic" "false" "stridulous" and "catarrhal")23121121......31
Cerebro-Spinal Fever...111............3
Typhus Fever...........................
Continued Fever...........................
Lead Poisoning...........................
Phthisis (Pulmonary Tuberculosis)......2859877414244
Tuberculous Meningitis (Acute Hydrocephalus)3562............10
OtLer Tuberculous Diseases3231142117
Rheumatic Fever.........1...1......2
Cancer, malignant disease (Sarcoma, Rodent Ulcer, etc.)............129163117310
Pneumonia (all other forms)93333114034106
Other diseases of Respiratory Organs......2......441121
Diarrhoea and Enteritis (all deaths from Diarrhoea, except those secondary to some-well defined disease)5761...............64
Appendicitis and Typhlitis......14111210
Alcoholism, Delirium Tremens, acute and chronic alcoholism (but not those from organic disease due to alcoholism)...........................
Cirrhosis of Liver...............17...8
Nephritis and Bright's Disease1...2...4165149123
Puerperal Fever ( Pyæmia, Septicemia, Sapræcmia, Pelvic Peritonitis,Peri- and Endo-Metritis occurring in the Puerperium)............12......3
Other accidents and diseases of Pregnancy and Parturition8.........251...16
Congenital Debility and Malformation, including Premature Birth, Atrophy, Marasmus, want of Breast Milk, but not from Atelectasis94.....................94
Violent Deaths, excluding Suicide2352112103326112
Heart Disease222162030126157355
Old Age.....................104104
Other Defined Diseases2988202547174219530
Diseases ill-defined or unknown...........................
Encephalitis Lethargica......1......1......2