London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Saviour's (Southwark) 1873

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Saviour's]

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attention which its importance demands. The cure of the evil is
undoubtedly a difficult problem, and may possibly be solved without
legislative interference; although the Government, under the
influence of public opinion, are just at this time endeavouring to
remedy the acknowledged evil. I apprehend it is concluded that
no class of persons should even helplessly and innocently be left in
a position to injure the health of their own families or that of their
neighbours by polluting the atmosphere; fresh pure air being as
essential as pure water.
There can be no doubt that the improved method of water
supply in many close and crowded districts is a general boon; but
it is to be regretted that so few avail themselves of the advantage
the new system offers. Notwithstanding oft-repeated remonstrances
from those who arc in the habit of visiting the poor, they in
many cases neglect to attend to the necessary duty of cleanliness.
This is even the case with those who have been inmates in public
institutions where cleanliness is authoritatively insisted upon. It
is a fact, that this evil during the past few years has considerably
decreased, and with the progress of knowledge and intelligence it
will doubtless continue to diminish.
Upon the subject of the comparative purity of the water supply
in this District, I beg to observe as a result of my own analysis,
and that of Professor frankland, that the Companies drawing from
the Thames delivered water containing on an average a smaller
proportion of solid impurity than in the preceding year. The
Southwark and Yauxhall Companies exhibit the greatest improvement.
Taking the amount of organic impurity contained in a given
volume of the Kent Company's water as unit, the proportional
amounts in an equal volume of water supplied by each of the
Metropolitan Companies are:—
New River 1.4
Southwark 2.8
West Middlesex 3.0
Grand Junction and Lambeth 3.1
Chelsea 3.2 and
East London 3.5.
The waters were clean and transparent when drawn from the