London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Saviour's (Southwark) 1872

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Saviour's]

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M :> This ^t.11« mi nt argues n,ost favourably in support of the
' h;m rxPTemedot t1"' efficacy of vaccination efficiently
[???]■tocrfunn..!, and should go far to confute those prejudices which
lanfortunat, ly exist through ignorance, and tcaeh a lesson to parents
y othont ha™** the care of children of the necessity of
mrnilin^ themselves of the suggested remedy, which happily i8
ipla-.d immediately within the n ,, h of all.' Again, referring to
■ty Tabular statement, wc find that the decrease in the mortality
>fn»m S. arlet Fi \« r during th. smie period is M, there having
aocrurr.<1 but i> death*» from that epidemic compared with 20 in
(the previous \-ar, while th. Table shows a slight increase in
ICas< - "| 1 >iai rh.i a, w ln< h wa- at oin period of tlie year unusually
rprevahnt. and an ill. r.-ose of two . ,m, of death from Measles, and
oik i! II ping Cough; there was also returned by the Registrar
ton« death from Cholera as < ompared with two from the same
icauM- in 1H71. We were threaten* <1 in the latter part of the year 1872
with th< n pp ii n of He lapsing Fever; on the 23rd of October
a \ tang i n w • Imitt■ ■ I int'> Guv' Hospital, having previously
liv. i in Kwer Street, with all the symptoms characteristic of a
t% pi. d c i■■ of relapsing fever. pi'1 f this ntta.k, I as.ertained that his father had
been into Kent, hopping, and n turned to his house in Ewer Street,
Where he had )>oeB seised with rigors soon after his arrival,
pllowed bv an atta. k of relapsing fever; his wife, who nursed
him. was th. n s, i /i 11 with tin same disease; a woman from
Spiller's Court. Webber Street, was sent by the Relieving
Hloer to the hoiisf a- nurse, she was soon after attacked with
similar symptom*, and on going home to Spiller's Couit,
Comniuni. ated the disease to her six children; she and they were
■it once removed to the Fever Hospital at Stockwcll, and the
house was thoroughly disinfected. Two other cases lia^e since
oci urn <1 in Broadwal 1; they were removed to the Fever Hospital,
and the housi s thoroughly disinfected, since a\ lii< li, no otlui
persons have 1 e-n attacked. I would in this plai c obsmc that
as an effectual preventive against the appeal am < of inf(and contagious diseases, that it cannot be too guuialh
that wc have a brick chamber complete with every appliance