London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1861

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth]

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General Repairs have been carried out to a much
greater extent than ordinary along the main lines of roads,
particularly in the Belvedere Road, Commercial Road,
Waterloo Road, Westminster Bridge Road, Mount Street,
Vauxhall Read, from the Orphan Asylum to the "Horns,"
Upper Kennington Lane, Prince's Street and High Street, and
the whole of the Roads and Streets under the charge of the
Vestry have been from time to time repaired by the staff
employed, and with the materials best suited to their several
circumstances and localities.
Watering and Cleansing have been carried out as
heretofore, by Contract, and by the introduction of new and
more stringent regulations and terms in the Agreements, these
works are better carried out by the Contractors, as cases of
neglect are punished by fines. In Angell Town a new well
has been sunk, to provide for watering the roads, lately taken
to by the Vestry. In Wiltshire Road a new well has
been sunk, in lieu of the one in Loughborough Road, which
was rained by the main sewer. In Cold Harbour Lane, the
same cause necessitated sinking the well by Lilford Road.
The wells in the Oval, Windmill Street, Dutton Street, and
Hercules Buddings, have also been examined, cleaned out and
deepened, so as to give sufficient supply of water.