London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1892

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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The duty of licensing these places is in the province of the
London County Council, though a copy of each application is
forwarded to my department so that we may if necessary
oppose the further granting of the license. I have always made
it a practise to make a special visit to all the Cow-houses and
Slaughter-houses in our district accompanied by the Sanitary
Inspectors, this year formed no exception to the rule and we
found these places kept for the most part in a cleanly condition,
the cattle appeared healthy, so that we did not think it
necessary in any case to oppose the re-granting of the licenses.
I have not had during the past twelve months any disease of an
infectious character amongst the cattle reported to me.
We have a large number of Bakehouses in our district and
the duty of specially inspecting them I have carried out myself;
in several cases improvements have been effected in way of
drainage and cleansing, but they are for the most part in a good
sanitary condition, and with only one exception the most
scrupulous cleanliness is carried out in the manufacture of the
I have now given you a resume of the work carried out under
my direction during the past twelve months which I trust will
be appreciated by all the Members of the Board ; I hope the
good feeling which has hitherto existed between the Board and
myself may continue, and with your co-operation in the future
as in past years our Health Department may by its work go on
improving the sanitary condition of the district, and so add to
the comfort and longevity of the inhabitants of Mile End Old
I am, Gentlemen,
Your obedient servant,
Medical Officer of Health.