London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1892

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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27 APRIL, 1892.
"Hamlet of Mile End Old Town,
"Bancroft Road, Mile End, E.
"26th April, 1892.
"Dear Sir,
"I am directed by the Overseers to inform you that in
"consequence of the importance of the current rate being
"now in active course of collection, they have handed
"the Centre Ward Rate to Mr. Cundick for collection,
"and have temporarily appointed him for that purpose
"on condition that he accepts such remuneration for his
"services as may be decided by the Vestry on their re"appointing
of a Collector for the Centre Ward.
"The Overseers have also temporarily engaged the
"services of Mr. Cook as Beadle, on the same conditions.
"Yours, &c.,
(Signed) "H. CONINGHAM,
"Vestry Clerk.
"M. Jutsum, Esq.
"Clerk to the Vestry."
Moved by Mr. Lacey seconded by Mr. Cushen and resolved
—That the Vestry approve of the action of the Overseers in
the matters referred to in the letter.
Moved by Mr. Cushen seconded by Mr. Hasted and resolved
—That Mr. Benjamin Cundick be re-elected Collector of
Rates for the Centre Ward until the first ordinary meeting of
the Vestry to take place after the 25th day of March, 1893,
at a salary of £300.
Moved by Mr. Cushen seconded by Mr. Coker and resolved
That Mr. Charles H. Cook be re-elected Beadle until the first
ordinary meeting of the Vestry to take place after the 25th
day of March, 1893, at a salary of £80.
VI. Mr. Coker was addressing the meeting when it was
Moved by Mr. Richardson seconded by Mr. Brown—That
the Vestry proceed to the next business on the Agenda.
The Chairman submitted the motion to a show of hands
and declared it lost.
A division was demanded and upon such division there
In favour of the motion—Messrs. Baxter, Booth, Brown,
Browning, Collett, A. Druitt, J. Druitt, Howe, Lacey, Lawson,
Livermore, Ockelford, Richardson, Schweitzer, Seigenberg,
Steadman, Toye.—17 votes.
Against the motion—Messrs. Andrews, A. M. Bell, Birks,
Blowey, Catmur, Chidgey, Coker, Cook, Davis, Furness,
Hasted, Hirst, Jacobson, W.A. Kemp, J. W. King, A. Lloyd,