London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1892

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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15 MARCH, 1893.
and glass pavement lights and two small coal plates, and your
Committee resolved to recommend—That it be acceded to
provided the work is done to the satisfaction of your Surveyor.
rowland hirst.
jabez druitt.
alfred moore.
Moved by Mr. Hirst seconded by Mr.T.J. Smith and resolved
—That the Report be received.
Resolved—That it be considered seriatim.
action of stacey against the vestry.
Moved by Mr. Lacey seconded by Mr. Roberts and resolved
—That that part of the Report be referred to the Finance
Committee for consideration and report.
potter's claim.
Moved by Mr. Hirst, seconded and resolved—That that
part of the Report be adopted and it was resolved accordingly.
craddock's claim.
Moved by Mr. Hirst and seconded—That that part of the
Report be adopted.
Moved by Mr. Catmur and seconded by Mr. Richardson as
an amendment—That all the words after "George Place "be
Mr. Rowland Hirst, the Chairman of the Committee,
agreed to take back the matter for further consideration.
It was resolved—That the whole matter be referred back
to the Committee for further consideration and report.
rix's application.
Moved by Mr. Hirst, seconded and resolved—That that
part of the Report be adopted.
Moved by Mr. Hirst seconded and resolved—That that
part of the Report be adopted, and it was resolved accordingly.
additional clause added to the reportmessrs.
dunks and bousfield's application
for vaults.
Moved by Mr. Hirst seconded by Mr. W.Musto and resolved
—That that part of the Report be adopted and it was resolved
VI. Attention was drawn to the condition of the Tram Rails in
the Mile End and Commercial Roads, and the Surveyor
reported that he was in communication with the Tramways
Co, on the subject.