London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1892

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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15 march, 1893.
estimate for half-year to michaelmas, 189;.
Moved by Mr Peacock and seconded by Mr. Lacey—That
that part of the Report be adopted.
Moved by Mr. Richardson and seconded by Mr. Catmur as
an amendment That the Estimate be reduced by the sum of
£14, the amount provided for expenses of Committees.
The amendment was submitted to a show of hands and the
Chairman declared it lost.
The Chairman then submitted the motion and declared it
carried and it was resolved accordingly.
III. The Report of the Dusting and Cleansing Committee of 1st
inst. was brought up as follows :
To the Vestry of the Hamlet of Mile End Old Town.
Report of Committee for Dusting and Cleansing.
Wednesday, 1st March, 1893.
Your Committee beg to report that they met on Wednesday,
the 22nd day of February, ult., there being present Messrs.
Upton, Browning, Furness, A.Howe,Taylor,Thomas,T.Cook,
Derby, and Dorras.
That your Surveyor brought up and read a Report for
which your Committee beg to refer your Board to his Report
(1) That your Committee considered the matter referred back
by your Board as to the appointment of a person to the
vacancy consequent upon the dismissal of Mr. Baxter, and
resolved to recommend as follows:
(a) That Alfred Foster, who has hitherto been styled a
horsekeeper, be appointed Chief Road Foreman, at a
salary of £2 2/- per week, with residence and gas as at
present, and that he reside in the house on Riga Wharf.
(b) That it be his duty to receive and carry out the instructions
of the Surveyor, and to supervise the sweeping
of the streets and the removal of dust and street refuse.
(c) That an Assistant Road Foreman be appointed to assist
the Chief Road Foreman in the performance of his duties,
and that he act under the instructions of the Committee,
Surveyor, or, in his absence, that ot the Chief Road
(d) That the Assistant Road Foreman be appointed at a
weekly salary of 35/- per week.
(e) That the matter be referred back to your Committee
to select a suitable person tor the office.