London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1892

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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320 1 MARCH, 1893.
In favour of Mr. Peacock 5 votes.
„ Loftus 7 „
Mr. Churchwarden Loftus then took the Chair.
I. Moved by Mr. Hirst seconded by Mr. Upton and resolved
—That the Minutes be taken as read.
Moved by Mr. Hirst seconded by Mr. Upton and resolved
—That the Minutes are correctly recorded and be confirmed.
II. Resolved—That it be referred to No. 1 Committee to consider
as to a rearrangement of the seats now used by the
Chairmen of the several Committees.
III. The Clerk submitted the Contract with Mr. C. E. Crane for
painting and putting new tapes to Venetian Blinds of Vestry
Hall at 3d. per foot.
Moved by Mr. Peacock seconded by Mr. Hirst and resolved
—That the Seal of the Vestry be affixed to the Contract.
The Seal of the Vestry was affixed thereto accordingly.
IV. The Report of Committee No. 1 was brought up as follows:
To the Vestry of the Hamlet of Mile End Old Town.
Report of Committee No. i.
For Finance, Parliamentary and General Purposes.
Wednesday, 1st March, 1893.
Your Committee beg to report that they met on Wednesday,
the 15th day of February, ult., there being present Messrs.
Chidgey, Richardson, and Jacobson.
Financial Statement, Wednesday, 1st March, 1893.
Balance at Bankers .£8,440 14 1
Cheques drawn but not paid:
London County Council 9 9 10
East London
Water Works Co. 3 13 0
13 2 10
Available Balance £8,427 n 3
(1) That your Clerk submitted the following Accounts duly
certified and approved, which your Committee recommend
for payment, viz.: