London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1892

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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18 JANUARY, 1893. 285
Butter 282 Genuine.
„ 283 „
Total number of samples analysed during the Quarter, 51.
(Signed) R. H. Harland, F.I.C.,
Public Analyst.
2nd January, 1893.
That from the Report of your Inspector under the Adulteration
Acts, it appears :
(a) That the samples were purchased as follows—
North Ward 10
East „ 10
West „ 13
Centre „ 10
South „ 8
(b) That proceedings were taken against the sellers of
adulterated articles with the following results—
No. 240. Milk admixed with about 15 per cent. of
added water—Fine of 15/- and costs.
„ 257. Milk from which about 40 per cent. of
cream had been abstracted—Summons
not served as person had closed shop
and left neighbourhood.
„ 266. Milk admixed with about 15 per cent. of
added water—Fine of £1 and costs.
„ 270. Butter admixed with about 95 per cent.
of foreign fat (margarine)—Fine of £1
and costs.
„ 274. Gin, being 39.8 underproof, 4.8 below
limit allowed by Sale of Food and
Drugs (Amendment) Act—Fine of £1
and costs.
(c) That a caution was given in the following case:
No. 234. Milk admixed with about 8 per cent. of
added water.
(9) That your Committee beg to report that summonses were
taken out against the owners of the following premises lor
non-performance of sanitary works ordered by your Board,
with the following results :
(a) No. 56, Diggon Street—
The work having been performed before the date
of hearing, the summons was withdrawn.