London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1892

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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3 AUGUST, 1892.
(zz) No. 28, New Road—
Repair the roof thereof and make same weather-proof.
(4) That the time allowed by such notices for the execution of
the works be 28 days from the service of the Notices; that proceedings
be taken against such of the persons who fail to carry
out the requirements of such notices, and that the Chairman
sign the necessary Orders in each particular case, empowering
the Sanitary Inspector for the district in which the premises
are situate to make complaints and take proceedings on behalf
of the Vestry.
(5) That proceedings be taken against the owners of the following
premises in case of their failing to comply with the
sanitary notices served by directions of your Committee, viz.:
Nos. 1 to 8, William's Buildings; 196, Oxford Street; 63,
Heath Street; 60, Bedford Street; and 136, Sidney
(6) That your Committee resolved to recommend—That notices
requiring the discontinuance of user forthwith of the following
underground rooms that are occupied separately, be served
by the Sanitary Inspector upon the owners and occupiers,
pursuant to the Public Health (London) Act, 1891:
Nos. 36, 40, 46, 48, 54, Wellesley Street; 47, 53 and 24,
Plumber's Row.
(7) That your Committee resolved to recommend—That one
of Knight's patent Deodorisers be fixed at the ventilating
grating in Wellesley Street, the estimated cost being £3 4-.
(8) That your Committee have reconsidered the draft Bye-Laws
under the Public Health (London) Act, 1891, referred back
by your Board, and now beg to recommend—That such draft
Bye-Laws, as amended, be sent to the Local Government
Board for perusal, as requested by that Board; and upon
their being returned, the necessary statutory notices be given
of the intention of the Vestry to apply for confirmation
(9) That your Committee have considered the Memorial from
the School Board for London on the subject of Swimming
and Bathing accommodation, referred by your Board, and
resolved to recommend—That the School Board for London
be informed in reply thereto, that, in the opinion of the
Vestry, there is in this Hamlet sufficient and suitable public
swimming accommodation.
(10) That your Clerk submitted letter from the Local Government
Board as follows;