London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1889

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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19 FEBRUARY, 1890.
To the Vestry of the Hamlet of Mile End Old Town.
Report of Committee for Dusting and Cleansing.
Wednesday, 19th February, 1890.
Your Committee beg to report that they met on Monday,
the 10th day of February, inst., there being present Messrs.
Furness, Upton, Thomas/Browning, T. Cook, Bull, Martin,
Taylor, and Porcas.
(1) That your Surveyor brought up and read a report for which
your Committee beg to refer your Board to his Report Book.
That your Surveyor reported as follows :
"The Lay-bye at Devonshire Street requires cleaning
" out.
"The Regent's Canal Company do this work at 2/- per
"yard cube, and I would beg to recommend that I be
" instructed to engage the Company for this purpose."
and your Committee resolved to recommend—That the Regent's
Canal Company be asked to dredge the canal at the
Vestry's Lay-bye at Mile End Dust Wharf, the estimated cost
being 2/- per yard cube.
(2) Pursuant to the reference of your Board your Committee
again considered the matter of the taking of an additional
piece of land of Mr. Thomas Gardner, at the Dust Wharf, on
which to deposit vehicles belonging to the Vestry, and
your Committee resolved to recommend—That the Vestry
take upon lease, for a term to run concurrently with the
existing leases, a piece of land adjoining the Mile End Dust
Wharf, at a rental of £15 per annum.
(3) Pursuant to the reference back by your Board your Committee
again considered the matter of the present wages paid
by your Board to the Carmen Sloppers, and cannot see any
reason for altering their previous decision, and therefore
resolved to recommend—That no alteration be made in the
present wages of the Carmen Sloppers employed by the
Vestry, namely, 24/- per week.
alfred furness.
henry thomas.
w. upton.
thomas browning.
Moved by Mr. W. A. Kemp seconded by Mr. Coker and
resolved—That the Report be received.
XIII. Moved by Mr. Martin and seconded by Mr. Lloyd—
That the Vestry do now adjourn, and that thanks be voted to
the Chairman.