London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1889

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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8 JANUARY, 1890.
That your Committee have made inquiries of contractors
and others in the East of London, and find that the rates paid
by them are as follows:
Mr. Gibbs (late Rollinson), at Limehouse 10d. per load.
The Limehouse District Board of Works 8d. „
Messrs. Abbott, at Poplar 2/6 per day.
Mr. Parsons, „ St. George-in-the-East 10d. „ load.
„ Prior, „ Bromley 2/6 per day.
„ Stevens, „ Bethnal Green, for clearing
pails 3/- per day.
„ „ for clearing dust bins 2/6 „
„ „ to trouncers 2/- „
Mr. Crane, at Bethnal Green £ 1 per week.
Whitechapel District Board £1 „
„ „ trouncers £12/- „
Another complaint is as to the price paid for loading into
trucks from carts, and on this point your Committee resolved
to recommend— That when called upon to perform such work,
the men be in the future paid at the rate of 3d. per ton, instead
of 1d. per ton as at present.
That your Committee are of opinion that the present rate
of pay of 1/- per load, if taken with the other sources of income
which the men receive, will give a weekly rate of wage
of 25/- per man.
Your Committee think that this assertion is proved by the
fact that there is always a keen competition for any vacant
post for dustman among the carmen, who are paid 24/- per
As the dustmen in the employ of your Board are in receipt
of fair wages, and more than is paid by contractors and others
at the East of London, your Committee cannot recommend
that any increase in their present rate of pay should be made.
That your Committee considered the question of engaging
dustmen at weekly wages instead of piece work, and as it is
essential that the dust should be removed with as much
rapidity as possible, an end which is best gained by paying
by results, your Committee recommend— That it is not
desirable to alter the present system.
(4) That your Committee considered the reference of your
Board of the Memorial of the Carmen Sloppers asking for an
increase in their present rate of pay of 24/- per week and
your Committee could see no reason for recommending any
increase, or of interfering with the resolution of the Vestry of
the 23rd of October last, affirming that the carmen were
already sufficiently paid.