London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1889

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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6 NOVEMBER 1889.
Moved by Mr. Loftus and seconded by Mr. W. A. Kemp—
That that part of the Report be adopted.
Moved by Mr. Peacock and seconded by Mr. Richardson
as an amendment—That the matter be referred back to the
The amendment was put and carried and put as a
substantive motion and carried.
(between Bancroft Road and Harford Street.)
Moved by Mr. Loftus and seconded by Mr. W. A. Kemp—
That that part of the Report be approved.
Moved by Mr. Henley and seconded by Mr. Peacock as an
amendment—That the Surveyor in conjunction with the No.
2 Committee survey the whole of the Tramway system in
Mile End and report to the next meeting, and that Messrs.
Richardson, Cade, and Roberts, be invited to attend such
Moved by Mr. Roberts and seconded by Mr. Richardson
as an amendment—That a Special Committee be appointed to
examine and report on the state of the Tramways in the
Hamlet, and that the Committee have placed before it the
whole of the correspondence relating to the tramways.
Moved by Mr. Upton and seconded by Mr. Birks as an
amendment—That a summons be taken out against the Tramways
Company for neglecting to comply with the order of
the Vestry to execute the repairs to the tramways.
VIII. Moved by Mr. Furness seconded by Mr. Lacey and
resolved—That the Vestry at its rising do adjourn until this
day fortnight at seven p.m.
VII. [resumed] (5) After considerable discussion the motion of
Mr. Henley was by consent submitted to a show of hands and
declared by the Chairman to be carried, and it was resolved
IX. Mr. Richardson then read and handed in the following
written statement of his charges against the Surveyor as requested
by the Vestry at the last meeting.
"Having been requested by the Vestry to state in
"writing the charge 1 made against the Surveyor at the
" last meeting, I hereby do so.
"1 say that the statements in the Surveyor's ' Reports'
"concerning the steam roller appear to me to be' cooked,'
"and that in his transactions with Mr. Rutty there seems
"to be circumstances which breed suspicion, and about
"which, if any investigation is made, there will be clear
"proof that there has been a lamentable want of business
"principle which would naturally lead people to believe
"that all is not open and above board.
"I challenge an enquiry into the Surveyor's actions in
"this matter, and fee sure that the result will make