London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1889

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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3 APRIL, 1889.
Dividends on, and the sums required for the redemption of,
Consolidated Stock raised under the said Loans Act, 1869, and
subsequent Acts; and also for all other purposes of the Board,
as set forth in the Schedule thereto annexed; and which sum
they the said Metropolitan Board of Works, did on the 1st
day of February last ascertain and assess upon this Hamlet as
a portion of the said Metropolitan Consolidated Rate, in
pursuance of the provisions of the Acts in that behalf.
Whereupon your Committee resolved to recommend—That
an Order or Precept be made upon and issued to the Overseers
of the Poor of this Hamlet, requiring them to raise and pay
over to the Treasurer of the Vestry the sum of £3,541 3s. 1d.
on or before the 1st day of May next.
(5) That at a former meeting your Committee in pursuance of
the reference of your Board considered the tenders for the
supply of Stationery and Printing, and resolved to recommend
—That the tender of Messrs. N. J. Powell & Co. be accepted
for the supply of Stationer) for one year, and that the tender
of Mr. E. S. Wheatley be accepted for Printing for one year.
(6) That at a former meeting your Committee considered the
reference of your Board, as to the payment of the Precept of
the Metropolitan Board of Works amounting to £ 3,881 6s. 7d.
That your Committee also considered the sum over and
above the £17,000 already borrowed, which is likely to be
required for the purpose of carrying out the Harford Street
That your Committee estimate the latter sum at about
£3,000, for which temporary arrangements will have to be
made until the surplus land is disposed of, and the contribution
from the successors of the Metropolitan Board of Works
That your Committee are of opinion that it would be advisable
that they should in case of necessity, be empowered
to ask the Vestry's Bankers to advance the sum of £3,000 as
a temporary loan, and accordingly ask the sanction of the
Vestry to the borrowing of a sum not exceeding £3,000.
That your Committee also recommend that the London
County Council be asked to give their formal consent.
That your Committee beg to submit for the seal of the
Vestry, a form of request to the Vestry's Bankers to advance
such sum temporarily.
(7) That at a former meeting your Committee considered the
reference of your Board as to the question of the Insurance of
the Vestry's properties, and directed your Clerk to write to
five Insurance Offices, inquiring what premium they would
charge to insure the whole of the properties now insured in
the following Offices, viz.:
The London Assurance Corporation,
The Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co.,
and The Manchester Fire Insurance Co.