London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1888

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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(3) That the Vestry should borrow at once £7000, the re-
payment to be spread over 20 years.
(4) That the consent of the Metropolitan Board of Works
be obtained, and that they be asked to advance the
The report was adopted.
The report of the Highways' Committee—
(1) Stated the steps they had taken with a view to the improvement
of Victory Bridge, and submitted a letter
from the Surveyor to the Limehouse District Board,
stating that that Board did not consider it expedient to
proceed further with the matter.
(2) Recommended that persons tendering for supply of
broken granite, be asked to give a price for supply of
spauls with a view of having them broken by persons
out of employ resident in the Hamlet.
(3) Recommended that an application for permission to
construct cellar flags at 25, Whitman Road be granted
on terms.
(4) Recommended that no opposition to the line of frontage
in Raven Row proposed by Mann & Co. be offered,
provided that the space between the building line and
the existing footway be dedicated to the public.
The report (except clause 3 which was referred back) was
The report of the Sanitary Committee, recommended—
(1) The approval of proceedings taken against owner of
property in Mile End Road to compel him to cleanse
drain, which being stopped up prevented the proper
drainage of houses in Leslie and Cecil Streets.
(2) That the relieving officers be allowed 4/- per case for
persons removed by them to hospitals for the purpose
of isolation and not by reason of poverty.
(3) That the application for the Vestry to fix a urinal in the
roadway at the junction of Wilson Street and Alma
Road be not acceded to.
(4) That a urinal be erected at the South East corner of
Devonshire Street and Globe Road at an estimated cost
The report (except clause 4 which was referred back) was
Notice of a nuisance at 64 and 66, Mile End Road and 1 to 6,
Leslie Street given by the Sanitary Sub. Inspector who was
authorised to take proceedings to abate the same.
The report of Dusting and Cleansing Committee, recommended—
(1) That the Vestry take on lease for 21 years at a rental
£130 and on certain conditions, the wharf and lay
bye of Mr. T. Gardner adjoining the goods yard at
Devonshire Street Station.
(2) That the Vestry should agree with the Great Eastern