London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1886

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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The work done was equal to 9002 working days for one horse
equal to 6s. 5d. per day.
The time was divided as follows :—
992 days for drawing materials for road repairs.
3181 ,, carting street refuse.
3631 ,, ,, house refuse.
1198 ,, watering roads.
The Public Lamps, 931 in number, have been supplied, lighted,
painted and cleaned by the Commercial Gas Co., at a cost of £3,543 7s.
The cost of labour for cleansing sewers and gullies, and other matters
chargeable to sewers, has been £629 7s. 1d.
The amount paid for water for flushing sewers has been £104 8s od.
Small works of construction and repairs to sewers including
cleansing and relaying pipe sewers have been carried out at a cost of
£560 18s. 5d., including 15 new gullies and 3 deodorising chambers to
sewer ventilators.
During the year 60 houses have been connected with the sewers of
the llamlet.
The quantity of material removed from the sewers was 199 yards,
and from the gullies 494 yards cube.
During the year the roller has been worked 210 days in the Vestry's
roads, the cost of which, if hired, would have been £472 10 o
The Vestry have received for hire of roller 121 12 o
594 2 0
Cost of working:
Wages £178 6 4
Fuel 39 15 6
Repairs 25 5 8
Fares, Oil, &c. 20 19 0
264 6 6
Result of the year's work £329 15 6
Your obedient Servant,