London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1881

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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It is again my privilege to lay before you a brief statement
of the works executed under the direction of my department during
the year ending March 25th last.
The works done under this head were not of very great extent.
Stepney High Street was paved with new 4-in. by 7-in. Kincardineshire
stone, and the roadway under the Grove Road railway arch was
paved to suit the widening of the bridge ; this latter work was carried
out at the joint cost of your Board and the Vestry of Bethnal Green.
The cost of works executed under this head during the year was
£1,221 5s. 8d.
Acting upon the recommendation I made in my last Report, you
have executed some important work of this description, parts of Stepney
Green and Commercial Road have been re-paved and the old stone
used in Lichfield Road, Longfellow Road, and other streets not
previously paved.
The total quantity of new 3-in. York stone laid was 18,477 feet, and
of old stone re-laid 13,216 feet.
The total cost of the work, including re-laying and re dressing curb,
amounted to ^971 9s. gd.
Your finances have not permitted you to do much work under this
head, but 3,600 Tees scoriae blocks have been laid in channels by
your own men, the original cost being £39 os. 7d.
I would again urge upon you the necessity of proceeding with this
work as early as possible, as streets in which the channels are paved
can be kept much cleaner than those not similarly treated.
The cost of removing dust continues to increase, the quantity collected
this year being far in excess of the year ending March, 1881.
There is no credit whatever in respect of the sale of dust during the
year, and I anticipated this in my last Report. The coming year will
probably be but little better.