London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1932

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham]

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Food Shops and Food Stalls.
All food shops, barrows and stalls and the Fulham
Market are kept under careful supervision; and in addition
two sanitary inspectors have been on special duty,
as in previous years, two evenings a week in connection
with these premises. A total of 174 evenings were spent
by the inspectors on this special duty.
The Merchandise Marks Act, 1926
and the
Merchandise Marks (Imported Goods) Orders.
The inspections under the Act and Orders were made
at the food shops, stalls and barrows at the same time
as other food inspections.
Prosecutions. During the year two prosecutions
were instituted under the above-named Act. In one case
the vendor was summoned for failing to indicate the
country of origin of imported fresh apples and the summons
was dismissed under the P.O. Act on payment of
two shillings costs. In the other case, two summons
were issued in respect of imported raw tomatoes; on
the first summons the defendant was fined two shillings
and sixpence and the second summons was withdrawn.
Warning Letters. During the year 67 warning
letters were issued regarding offences under the Act and
Orders. The offences occurred:—
In shops 29
On stands 24
On barrows 14
The offences concerned the following articles
Currants, sultanas and raisins 12 instances.
Apples 21 instances.
Tomatoes 36 instances.
There are two licensed slaughterhouses in the
borough, situate at:—
No. 611, Fulham Road.
No. 640, King's Road.